Here I am again blogging... I want to share a big part of something in my life that my mama & papa give me. Since birth mama & papa are always their for me, they never let me feel I'm not important even they made me precious to them. Every single second, minute and day they are always at my side. I can feel it even I'm still a baby. They show me that the world is for me to live with. After my mom give birth, mama is right there at her side to support and give mommy a strong faith to be strong to fight the trials that she encountered in giving me birth into a CS operation. I know mama can't leave mom in the middle of something because she knew mommy will find difficult if she will just leave it behind. Although she knows that mom is at the right age to handle everything. But mama insisted to help just for us to survive. After four days in the hospital, that was my first time to ride a taxi in going home to my palace with mama, mommy & dad. Our pack of things brought by mommylo & daddylo to their car. Because mom decided not to ride in their car because its difficult for her to take a ride with a high chair, the operation is still fresh. I'm excited to witness outside the hospital to see what's really a world means to many people. At last we were out to go home while papa is waiting for us. When we arrive home, papa looks very excited to hold me, of course he never think twice to get me to mama and his the one who holds me. What a touching moment for me that people around me is happy that I came to their lives. My dad that night went home to their house he never sleep with us because mom tells me that dad is not feeling well, maybe he is pressured in the hospital to watch mom, buy this and buy that to the store and pharmacies. Well, it's not a problem anymore as long as I am home now.
Days, weeks, months passed mama and papa never forgets to remind me that they loves me so much. Thanks for that! Now, that I am 1 year and 5 months they are still there for me. To guide me, teach me how to talk, walk right and embrace me like they never wanted me to go anywhere. I know someday when i grow up they will be more supportive to me. Mama and papa THANK YOU VERY MUCH! & I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART ALWAYS AND ALWAYS.